Let's go cook!

Let's go cook!

In class, we've already talked about different ingredients that we have in the kitchen. 

Then we're going to look at the ingredients and finish the receipt to make a cake with chocolate chips. 

Complete the following activity:

- You have to write the name of each ingredient down. 

- Please, remember to capitalize the first letter.

Cake with chocolate chips

This activity was made with Liveworksheets. 

This application make your traditional printable activity in to interactive online exercises with self correction.


  1. Hello Paula !
    I'm Clara Garcia and I’ve browsed through your blog https://wearealittlecurious.blogspot.com/ and I think you did a good job.
    Firstly, you created a quiz with genially to check on listening among your pupils. It’s a very encouraging and visual way to test their listening skills.
    Secondly, you designed an activity to check on reading comprehension, a nice story with pictures on them. I’m sure that children will enjoy this activity very much if you use it in the near future.
    Thirdly, there’s a listening comprehension activity in which you add a recording of a numbers dictation. I’ve never used this tool before and I thank you for sharing it with us. It will be most useful to us all.
    And finally, I’ve checked your writing activity, an attached interactive worksheet in which children should write the ingredients needed for a recipe. I think they would practice speaking in a motivating way.
    I’ve enjoyed trying all of the posted activities and I think that they have a good quality.

    Clara Garcia Agulló

  2. Hello Paula, I really like your blog. This is one of my favourite activities. Last year I also worked on this resource with my students and I think it's great. As far as I'm concerned, working on writing in this way helps them greatly improve their written expression and foster vocabulary, while also increasing their motivation and the desire to continue learning.

    As I teacher, I love your ideas and creativity, as well as the design of your blog!
    Thank you
    Miss Noelia


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